Saturday, November 28, 2009

Just a quick note tonight....

Just wanted to say Hi to all . I am finding it hard to post these days. So much going on. Just wanted to let you all know that I have these items listed on ebay right now First... Frosty Snowman/ santa letters You can find them here Then I also have Brrr....Snowman you can find the blue one here And the red/gray one here Till next time Colleen

Monday, November 9, 2009


Have these cute Santa ornie's listed on Ebay... Working on items for a Christmas Open House I am having on Nov 21.... lots to do Till next time Colleen

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Tonight is the night
When dead leaves fly
Like witches on switches
Across the sky,
When elf and sprite
Flit through the night
On a moony sheen.
Tonight is the night
When leaves make a sound
Like a gnome in his home
Under the ground,
When spooks and trolls
Creep out of holes
Mossy and green.
Tonight is the night
When pumpkins stare
Through sheaves and leaves
When ghouls and ghost
And goblin host
Dance round their queen.
It's Halloween.

I am busy working on Christmas crafts and will be posting some for sale soon. Till next time... Colleen

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Templates~Free graphic

I have some new templates listed over on Ebay. Started a new set of ones that I call Childhood. This one is for Christmas and I love how it turned out... You can find it HERE And the second one is a cute boy and girl sharing a storybook... You can find this one HERE I have more ideals and will be adding more soon. Here is a free button graphic for you. Just right click on the picture and save to your computer. Enjoy! Till next time Colleen

Monday, October 5, 2009

Thinking about Erika

I try to keep my post about my crafts or templates that I am working on but everynow and then I post alittle about my family. I have had something on my mind since last night when tucking my 9 year old Erika in bed. You know how sometimes those are the few minutes that they share something with you ... good things, things that bother them. Well last night Erika and I were reading a book in her bed and hanging on the wall is her purple backpack that has winnie the pooh on it. Cute right? She has not used it yet this school year, still using her pink one. But she planned on using it one of these days. Erika says to me " Guess I won't be using that backpack Mom" and I could tell she was alittle upset. I asked her why and she says well on Friday she wore this pin.... And she got teased about it. That pooh is for little kids. Teased that she still watches pooh or likes pooh I guess. I said hey, I still like Pooh, I even own a few pooh tees(wear them) and I still have my pooh from 20 plus years ago in my bedroom. I even still like to watch some pooh movies. Lots of people of all ages like pooh. I asked her who teased her and she named a boy's name. I told her well boys like to tease girls. I was not sure what else to say. So later in the night I was not sleeping well , I laid there thinking about it. Why do kids tease? I know it is nothing new. I just don't know why. My Erika has a big heart and when stuff like that happens it bothers her. Then it bothers me! So I am not sure if the halloween pooh pin will be on her coat again, or if the backpack will be used. I sure hope so because she is 9 and her life should be full of fun right now. Untill next time... Colleen

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunflowers and fun

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last post. Busy as aways with everything. Kids going back to school. Had my last eye surgery and my eyes are healing well.
Yesterday I took pictures of one of my sunflowers that finally opened up.
I have one more just about ready to open, looking foward to see what colors those bring. Kid's are still having fun outside. The weather has been like we wanted it to be back in July. We had a cool summer Here in this picture older sister is playing with silly string And these are just a couple of my favorites of Andrew having fun running away from silly string and just being happy. I love it how the simplest things for kids make them happy. We all need to remember that. I am back to sewing, working on christmas items. Hope to list some on ebay soon but I am also thinking about a starting a selling blog soon too. Always so much to do!! Till next time, Colleen

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday Heather! One day late. This is my little girl Twenty some years ago!! Now she is a beautiful young lady...celebrating her 23rd birthday. We had a great weekend togehter. Good food and birthday cake!! So here is the picture of the surprise I did not want my daughter to see until her birthday. She has been wanting me to make her this raggedyann for awhile and finally I did. It was fun sewing her up and making her for my daughter. I hope to do more sewing soon. Till next time Colleen

Sneak peek!

I have been working on this.
It is a gift for daughter, She has been wanting it for a while and her birthday is tommorrow so I am only giving a sneek peek. I hope she is not checking out my blog today!! I will post the whole picture next time. Colleen

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thinking about Snow!!

No not really!! I am not looking forward to the white stuff yet but I have done up a new template for Ebay with swheetraggedy and Snowman. You can see the whole template here... SwheetraggedySnowman-Auction Template I like it do you??

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Stuff

I have a few new items listed over on Ebay. I did these witches hats and they are so much fun that I have some more in the works. The one's I am working on are each going to be alittle differnet from these so check back for new photos soon. I also did up this candlemat.. Candlemats are one of my favorite things to make. Around my home I place them candles, mason jars filled with goodies, around my other primitve things. There are lots of ways to decorate with them. I have also did up a new template, using Swheetpotato graphics. I just love her graphics!! I also love working on templates ,banners and more but until my next eye surgery it will be slow going. :) I call this one Swheet Raggedy Pumpkin... I slso worked up this Primitve witch template. Now I am stuffing some raggedy dolls today. Easy on the eyes! :) Till next time. Colleen

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Where have I been?

I have been right here at home. LOL Back on July 29th I had cataract surgery on my left eye. So I have been taking care of that. My eye is doing good, and my vision is good in my left eye but still messed up in my right. So its hard to focus in on things at time. I do a little work on computer, and going to try to finish up some projects I had started. I can work for a short time and then give my eyes a break. I have not attempted to drive, and when you are use to driving believe me you sure do miss it. Me and the kids feel caged in sometimes. My garden is growing but so are the weeds, I can see those. :) I have been cleaning out some patterns that I don't want anymore so I will be listing them on EBay in the next couple of days.
So I am just counting the days till the next surgery Aug 26th and hope all goes well and my vision is back to normal.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Kids and Fish!!

The weekend went by so fast, but don't they always do that!! Sunday we took the kids fishing!!

Erika's first fish of the day with her new pole. Andrew loves catching the fish but does not want to touch them!!

On Sat we went out to eat with a good friend of ours Charlie. He was celebrating his 93rd birthday. I did not bring a camera along on Sat but this is a picture back in Sept and we were at a retirement party together. Charlie looks good for 93 don't you think!! We took a drive up to one of his favorite place's to eat. It is about a hour drive. The food was excellent and it was a nice time. So that was my weekend. Till next time......Colleen

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just a few things!

I finally finished up a few craft items that have been in the making for a while. I am just so slow these days. Better late then never....LOL This Annie is already for Fall and Thanksgiving....

You can find Raggedy Ann here on Ebay Then I did this primitive candlemat.. I had the stitching done for awhile just need to sew it together with batting and a cute red checker for the backing. You can find the candlemat here. And I also did up these primitve witches hats. Halloween is getting so fun to decorate with. You can find these Withces hats here.

I also have my items for sale on the"Christmas in July" sale I am in. Have a great weekend everyone and till next time.....Colleen

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do you ever???

Do you ever feel like your going in 20 different directions and can't seem to get anything done. LOL . That is how I have been feeling alot lately. With the kids home on summer vacation, I am falling behind on making crafts, and cleaning the house. LOL Back in June I signed up for this great Sale.... I thought I had time and I could get some stuff done. I should have know better. LOL I did get a few items done but wanted more done. I have been slower these days on sewing and designing templates because I have cataracts. Eyes get tired faster and headaches come sooner. I am having the surgery to remove one on my left eye next week. :( Just a little worried and scared but everyone that has had it done, tells me not to worry its easy. Guess I will find out soon enough. I do know that I want to be able to see good again so... Anyways if you want to do some early Christmas shopping jump over to Christmas in July Till next time.... Colleen

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

I want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July. Enjoy the cookouts and fireworks and safe travels to all. I am finding it hard to post these summer days. The kids and I are enjoying the summer. Not much crafting get done but lots of fun hanging out with the kids... We enjoy the pool when the weather is warm enough... Trips to the library for some good reading..... Back yard fun.... And just hanging out and laughing with each other Soon enough summer will end and I will be able to craft again. Till next time... Colleen

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I won!!

I can't believe it , I won a free pattern over at Always Crafty 2-home of the shweet Potato dolls. Sandi has such a cute blog and really cute Shweet Potato dolls and patterns. Thanks to Carm at Shweet Potato Designs for all her wonderful graphics we both use to create swheet Potato items.I use them for my templates and Sandi with her cute dolls. So off I go to check out Sandi's patterns...........:)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Something new in Store!

I have been working on some new templates for Ebay. Would you believe I am working on Fall templates and thinking about a few new winter ones. It is just about summer!! LOL This one is a really cute Raggedy Ann This one I called Raggedy Annie Witch Cackle and you can find it here

Then I did some vintage/Primitive Witches ..... I called this one Primitive Witch, kids and black cat you can find it here Fined Witches Welcome here Have more in the works so keep checking back :) Till next time Colleen

Love what I do

I love my work. :)  These are photos of the orders I have been working on these days       My soy candles are done and waiti...