Monday, December 24, 2012

I Wish You Joy All Though.....

I Wish You Joy All Though

I wish you joy all though your holidays,
I wish you good luck that forever stays.
I wish you the love of family and friends,
I wish you happy days that never ever ends.
Merry Christmas to you!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This and That...

Things are busy around here, and I am sure it is busy for most everyone this time of year.  I keep wanting to post and say Hi but always things to do....LOL
Been wanting to post this little bit of news, with the help of me my daughter Erika has opened up a shop on Etsy....KrazyforCraftin 
Right now in her shop she has duck tape wallets. 

she is just like me, always creating something.  Keeping busy!!   
She made me one a while back and I use it and love it but one day shopping I found a new duck tape, loved it and had her make me another one....
Love my Green Bay Packers!! Using this wallet and loving it. So if you still need an Christmas gift these would make a unique and useful item.
Please go check out her new store.....Erika....Krazy for Craftin

I have some pictures of a our hometown Christmas parade we went to and Andrew had his Christmas concert so I will try to post them soon.  Take care and Enjoy this time of year!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Angels, dolls , room sprays...some wonderful items for Christmas shopping

I love making these angels and I don't know why but it is always one of the last things I get around to making for Christmas.
Two cute Annies, in Christmas dresses....
And some wonderful smelling room sprays...
I have soy tarts to, just need to list them. These are the newest items in my shop over at ETSY
Some wonderful handmade Christmas gifts!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Special order dolls and random pics

Seems like I just can't find the time to post much lately. I do try to visit some of my favorite blogs during the week but to sit down and write a post, now thats hard.
So lets see...I have been working on these special order dolls...If you are KSU fans and IA fans you will love their dresses...

It was a fun order to work on, thanks Amy.

Finished up this teacup doll

She is listed over on ETSY
More dolls are in the making, I purchased some new fabric and I can't wait to dress a doll or two up with it....LOL

Now these are just random pictures of life around here.

Andrews favorite decorations for Halloween...

A parade in town that the kids and I enjoyed one warm day.


Even a dusting of snow one morning on the van.

So thats whats been some of the things going on around here. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Snowmen in the air...............

Snowmen that I have been working on and will be listing them on Etsy during the next couple of days.  Thats about it for now...............:)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Last of the witches

These girls will be the last of my witches for this fall ( I think....LOL) 

This one I named Goldie.  I finished her, snapped some pictures of her and thought I would list her on Etsy last evening.

 But Erika came home from school and said "Mom I really love that think I could have her?"  So what's a Mom going to do....:)      I know Goldie is going to a good home!

These girls are still waiting for the hats and cats.   They will be finished today and listed tonight on Elsy.
Starting Christmas dolls, angels, snowmen,and the list goes on........ Hope you are all having a wonderful week, the weather around here is beautiful and the tree's are really getting color and look so beautiful. If I get a chance I will snap a few pictures to share.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dolls, dolls and dolls

I have been enjoying these teacup dolls that I make. So much so that I keep making them!!


Still a couple more to finish.  Then some bigger dolls that I started  and  waiting to get finished.
Life is still busy, even with the kids back in school, days are quieter around home but I still am running to other jobs and running for kids.   Next week after wed. things will go back to whatever normal was before I took on a part time fill in job.  I will work Mon, Tue, and Wed. and then go from there.  It is a job working on a computer, which I love to learn and work on the computer but it has made my sewing move along slower then I like. It also has not given much time to spend on my house and I really need to clean, de-clutter.  I hope soon.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Witches in the house

These are the newest dolls I finished for a special order.   
I do teacup dolls and I have been wanting to do one as a witch and I love how she turned out.

 I have more teacup witches coming soon , and a few new surprises too!
Around the house the kids and I are enjoying the last few days of summer vacation.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New girls in the house

These are my newest dolls.  They are all dressed up for fall. 

Which fall is just around the corner, were did summer go?  It has been busy around here. Kids , swimming, flowers, garden,family and working part -time has slowed  down sewing but I have done some just to keep me relax.  That is what I love about sewing my dolls and other items, it relaxes me and I seem to find extra energy to keep going.  With the kids going back to school in a week, I will have more peace and more sewing, I hope.....:)
Hope to post more often too!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Finally listing a few dolls over on Etsy. Sewing up more fall items and hope to be sharing them soon.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend..... back to sewing.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wedding , back to work on dolls

 I have been pretty busy with wedding plans, summer vacation, kids  but I tried to sew when I could (which was not much lately).  These dolls and more have been SLOWLY getting done. 
I even have some witches going.  It feels good to sew and create again.
Summer is speeding by. Kids are enjoying the days.    Hopefully I won't take to long to post the next time.
Hope you are all enjoying your summer so far.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I can't believe it has been over a month since my last post.  Time is just flying by!
I have been busy with the normal everyday things, planting flowers and a garden,  and helping my daughter with her wedding, which is coming up fast....June 16th.    I have tried to sew some and I am working on dolls but it is just taking me longer.  Hopefully I will get back into the grove soon.
I did win some wonderful giveaways ,
First one was from The Flowering Angel

I love it and light up the candle almost everynight.  Cynthia  has a wonderful shop over on Etsy, please go check her out HERE
My other win was from Countryside Cottage Primitive and Folk Art over on facebook.

The bunny is so cute, I am leaving her out way past Spring and the Apple fits well in my red kitchen.
I hope to get back to creating soon.   :)

Love what I do

I love my work. :)  These are photos of the orders I have been working on these days       My soy candles are done and waiti...