Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This and That...

Things are busy around here, and I am sure it is busy for most everyone this time of year.  I keep wanting to post and say Hi but always things to do....LOL
Been wanting to post this little bit of news, with the help of me my daughter Erika has opened up a shop on Etsy....KrazyforCraftin 
Right now in her shop she has duck tape wallets. 

she is just like me, always creating something.  Keeping busy!!   
She made me one a while back and I use it and love it but one day shopping I found a new duck tape, loved it and had her make me another one....
Love my Green Bay Packers!! Using this wallet and loving it. So if you still need an Christmas gift these would make a unique and useful item.
Please go check out her new store.....Erika....Krazy for Craftin

I have some pictures of a our hometown Christmas parade we went to and Andrew had his Christmas concert so I will try to post them soon.  Take care and Enjoy this time of year!!

1 comment:

My Colonial Home said...

These are wonderful.
Have a wonderful holiday

Love what I do

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