Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wedding , back to work on dolls

 I have been pretty busy with wedding plans, summer vacation, kids  but I tried to sew when I could (which was not much lately).  These dolls and more have been SLOWLY getting done. 
I even have some witches going.  It feels good to sew and create again.
Summer is speeding by. Kids are enjoying the days.    Hopefully I won't take to long to post the next time.
Hope you are all enjoying your summer so far.


peggy said...

Sweet picture, walking in the rain with Dad, looking down to see if her dress is getting wet. Hope to see her flowers soon too. Love your background.

Barb said...

Hi Colleen,
Looks like a beautiful bride and wedding even with a bit of rain!
Enjoy your day,

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Colleen, what a pretty bride - and a handsome daddy (hubby!).
Will be anxious for photos!

WoolenSails said...

Your daughter looks beautiful, love her dress and the flowers are beautiful.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your daughter is a beautiful bride. What wonderful wedding...I'm glad the rain didn't but a damper on it. I love the sweet faces on these dolls. Are you going to put them in Etsy? Let me know if you do. I would also love to see a witch like you made awhile back! I love your dolls! Hugs!

Laura Rhodes said...

Thanks for stopping by...It takes me a little longer to reply since you have the no reply thing when you made a comment. Can't directly reply through the email...Have a blessed day, Laura

Love what I do

I love my work. :)  These are photos of the orders I have been working on these days       My soy candles are done and waiti...