Monday, June 14, 2010

Flowers,Garden, blackberries, skunk's

I have been wanting to post these picture of things happening around here but summer is here and to may things to do. This photo here is what my hubby and daughter's fiance did for me 2 Sunday's ago. I wanted another flower bed and this is what they built for me. I just love it. The dwarf's in the picture was a gift my mother made me several years ago. I always put them out each summer by my other flower bed but I think this is the perfect spot for them now My garden is growing..
Right now my blackberries are loaded with green berries and if all goes well I will have more then I know what to do with!! We have a family of skunks that we did not invite to live in our back yard. Last monday when I was mowing the lawn in the long grass by the side of our yard what do I see but these cute babies, I counted 4 babies and I did not see the mother at all. We are hoping they decided to take a walk in here... With the kids outside and campfires at night we don't need to worry about running into one of them. We do live in the city too!! Till next time Colleen

1 comment:

Ahl Cooped Up said...

I want to plant some blackberries too. You can keep the skunks!

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