Saturday, August 29, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday Heather! One day late. This is my little girl Twenty some years ago!! Now she is a beautiful young lady...celebrating her 23rd birthday. We had a great weekend togehter. Good food and birthday cake!! So here is the picture of the surprise I did not want my daughter to see until her birthday. She has been wanting me to make her this raggedyann for awhile and finally I did. It was fun sewing her up and making her for my daughter. I hope to do more sewing soon. Till next time Colleen

Sneak peek!

I have been working on this.
It is a gift for daughter, She has been wanting it for a while and her birthday is tommorrow so I am only giving a sneek peek. I hope she is not checking out my blog today!! I will post the whole picture next time. Colleen

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thinking about Snow!!

No not really!! I am not looking forward to the white stuff yet but I have done up a new template for Ebay with swheetraggedy and Snowman. You can see the whole template here... SwheetraggedySnowman-Auction Template I like it do you??

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Stuff

I have a few new items listed over on Ebay. I did these witches hats and they are so much fun that I have some more in the works. The one's I am working on are each going to be alittle differnet from these so check back for new photos soon. I also did up this candlemat.. Candlemats are one of my favorite things to make. Around my home I place them candles, mason jars filled with goodies, around my other primitve things. There are lots of ways to decorate with them. I have also did up a new template, using Swheetpotato graphics. I just love her graphics!! I also love working on templates ,banners and more but until my next eye surgery it will be slow going. :) I call this one Swheet Raggedy Pumpkin... I slso worked up this Primitve witch template. Now I am stuffing some raggedy dolls today. Easy on the eyes! :) Till next time. Colleen

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Where have I been?

I have been right here at home. LOL Back on July 29th I had cataract surgery on my left eye. So I have been taking care of that. My eye is doing good, and my vision is good in my left eye but still messed up in my right. So its hard to focus in on things at time. I do a little work on computer, and going to try to finish up some projects I had started. I can work for a short time and then give my eyes a break. I have not attempted to drive, and when you are use to driving believe me you sure do miss it. Me and the kids feel caged in sometimes. My garden is growing but so are the weeds, I can see those. :) I have been cleaning out some patterns that I don't want anymore so I will be listing them on EBay in the next couple of days.
So I am just counting the days till the next surgery Aug 26th and hope all goes well and my vision is back to normal.

Love what I do

I love my work. :)  These are photos of the orders I have been working on these days       My soy candles are done and waiti...