Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wishing you a Blessed Easter!

Wishing everyone a blessed and happy Easter! I hope it is filled with love, laughter, family and friends. Colleen

***** Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in spring-time. ~Martin Luther


Barb said...

Happy Easter to you and yours Colleen!

Angi at drakestone primitives country cabin said...

Colleen wishing you a very Happy Easter and so pleased you dropped by my blog..yours is so sweet and glad to be you newest follower..♥

Farmhouse prims said...

Wishing you a blessed Easter too my prim friend. Hugs, Lecia

Picket said...

Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend all those treasures you create...what talent and love those buttons you make for the sidebar..have a great week my friend....Picket

Love what I do

I love my work. :)  These are photos of the orders I have been working on these days       My soy candles are done and waiti...