Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Finished some new dolls

I finally finished some dolls that I have been working on way to long. It is one of those projects you start, set it of to the side to work on something else and finally get back too!! I want to start some bunnies but I told my self to finish these raggedies first. These are all ready for bedtime in their flannel p.j's , blanket , stuff animal and a book to read. I will be listing them on Etsy later today. Now off to start those bunnies!!! Colleen


Debbie said...

They are beautiful! You do such nice work. I can't wait to see the bunnies!


carla said...

Your dolls are very cute and I will watching for your bunnies!!!hugs

Laura Rhodes said...

I just wanted to personally thank you for joining my blog and I'll join yours too! You do have a nice one.

Laura Rhodes said...

Just wanted to stop in and wish you a blessed Lord's Day.
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Love, Laura

Ginny said...

I love these Raggedy Anns. I want to see the bunnies too. These would make sweet gifts for my grand daughters Easter Baskets...Am putting your Etsy on my favorites!

~*Sharee*~ said...

Hi hun; just came across your blog and LOVE IT!!! Did you ever do anything with the vintage hankies? I have some that belonged to my grandma and I'm going to sew them into a curtin for my bedroom someday. :) more like a valance actually.

Looking forward to becoming "blog friends w/ya". :)

Hugs, Shar

colleens craft shed said...

Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments!
Shar, I still have my vintage hankies and I like your ideal for the curtin/valance or maybe even a cute dresser top. Someday...

Love what I do

I love my work. :)  These are photos of the orders I have been working on these days       My soy candles are done and waiti...