Monday, July 27, 2009

Kids and Fish!!

The weekend went by so fast, but don't they always do that!! Sunday we took the kids fishing!!

Erika's first fish of the day with her new pole. Andrew loves catching the fish but does not want to touch them!!

On Sat we went out to eat with a good friend of ours Charlie. He was celebrating his 93rd birthday. I did not bring a camera along on Sat but this is a picture back in Sept and we were at a retirement party together. Charlie looks good for 93 don't you think!! We took a drive up to one of his favorite place's to eat. It is about a hour drive. The food was excellent and it was a nice time. So that was my weekend. Till next time......Colleen

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just a few things!

I finally finished up a few craft items that have been in the making for a while. I am just so slow these days. Better late then never....LOL This Annie is already for Fall and Thanksgiving....

You can find Raggedy Ann here on Ebay Then I did this primitive candlemat.. I had the stitching done for awhile just need to sew it together with batting and a cute red checker for the backing. You can find the candlemat here. And I also did up these primitve witches hats. Halloween is getting so fun to decorate with. You can find these Withces hats here.

I also have my items for sale on the"Christmas in July" sale I am in. Have a great weekend everyone and till next time.....Colleen

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do you ever???

Do you ever feel like your going in 20 different directions and can't seem to get anything done. LOL . That is how I have been feeling alot lately. With the kids home on summer vacation, I am falling behind on making crafts, and cleaning the house. LOL Back in June I signed up for this great Sale.... I thought I had time and I could get some stuff done. I should have know better. LOL I did get a few items done but wanted more done. I have been slower these days on sewing and designing templates because I have cataracts. Eyes get tired faster and headaches come sooner. I am having the surgery to remove one on my left eye next week. :( Just a little worried and scared but everyone that has had it done, tells me not to worry its easy. Guess I will find out soon enough. I do know that I want to be able to see good again so... Anyways if you want to do some early Christmas shopping jump over to Christmas in July Till next time.... Colleen

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

I want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July. Enjoy the cookouts and fireworks and safe travels to all. I am finding it hard to post these summer days. The kids and I are enjoying the summer. Not much crafting get done but lots of fun hanging out with the kids... We enjoy the pool when the weather is warm enough... Trips to the library for some good reading..... Back yard fun.... And just hanging out and laughing with each other Soon enough summer will end and I will be able to craft again. Till next time... Colleen

Love what I do

I love my work. :)  These are photos of the orders I have been working on these days       My soy candles are done and waiti...