Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cold , so cold

It is another cold day here in North Central Wisconsin.
We have been cold since November. Today we will be lucky to maybe reach a high of 2 above. :)
The are saying on Monday the high will be -10....:(
So with all that cold we keep busy around the house.  I have made tarts for the last couple of years and sell them at a local store.."The Tristy Soul"   Really cute store and if you live close by you should stop in and visit with Diane.
Anyways, being I make them for the store ,I started selling them online too. 
 I  am also branching out with them and doing wholesale.  I will do a private label for a purchase of $50 dollars or more .... they would look something like mine,  the graphic can change.
 Otherwise, this is how the label would be .  If you are interested in wholesale just contact me for prices.

 It has been fun doing them, my oldest daughter Heather, when she is home does it with me and it is nice hanging out together.

I am still making my Annie dolls and loving it.   This is a new design that I tried.
Nurse Annie,  I have some dear family members who just might be getting one someday.
This Annie is available on my Etsy
This is my Annie and Andy couple that I do and this one is already sold but they are so cute I had to show them.   I am making some St. Patty days and Easter couple so be on the watch for those.
Oh I forgot to mention I also started to do Soy was candle, 6oz tin jars , so far
I sell them on here on my Etsy
I also wholesale them , just contact me if you are interested in prices for wholesale.
This cute Valentine Annie is still available on my Esty
I guess that's about it for now.  I have not been posting much but I am hoping to try to post more often.  When there are dolls to sew, I want to be sewing.   I have lots of ideals always going on in my mind and I have this one is a primitive angel with her dress from an old chenille bedspread. Maybe you will see it soon....

Love what I do

I love my work. :)  These are photos of the orders I have been working on these days       My soy candles are done and waiti...