Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ages since I posted....

Its been ages since I posted an update on here....Life is full
My daughter Erika, works with duck tape all the time and she has designed some of the neatest things. But this is one of my favorites....
She has it hanging in her room.  Made all from duck tape.  I took the photo some time ago and finally getting around to posting about it.   I love it!!!  I have to go get a frame for it one of these days.
Erika does  have her own Etsy shop ....Krazy for Craftin   
She is selling her wallets and I can personally tell you that they hold up well, I use my Green Bay Packers one and I love it. Erika is like me , she can sit and craft for hours...LOL
So what have I been up to, dolls mostly....

These are listed over in my Etsy shop.
These dolls are shipped and at there new home.....

A new primitive pillow tuck
 You can find the here in my Etsy shop.   I have a few more pillows in the work too!
These dolls are listed also in my Etsy shop waiting for a home.

So that is just a little of what I have been up to these days. Along with the day to day life of a    That alone keeps me pretty busy.  I am looking forward to spring and then summer, where life just seems to be more relax without the day to day school life.
Hope to be back sooner next time.........Take care and God Bless.....COLLEEN

Love what I do

I love my work. :)  These are photos of the orders I have been working on these days       My soy candles are done and waiti...